It is the primary duty of the Deacons to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the lonely, and to anyone who may be in distress. Our job requires us to show sympathy, bear witness, and act in service, following the example set for us by Jesus Christ when He was here on earth.
Deacons serve a three-year term, and are installed in January of each new year. If a Deacon so desires he/she may serve a second a consecutive three-year term. The Deacons meet the first Tuesday of every month, ay 7:00 p.m.
At HVPC the Deacons coordinate both the Ambassador Team and the Welcome Table. Volunteers are stationed outside the church before both services to greet members and guests with a smile and (pre-COVID) a handshake…and maybe a hug!
Other responsibilities of the Deacons include sanctuary flowers, visitation, card ministry, assistance at communion, decorating the church at Easter and Christmas, the Christmas card collection and distribution, and so much more.
The Deacons love to provide activities that encourage fellowship. Deacon-sponsored events are open to the congregation and we encourage people to bring guests!
Our current deacons:
- Josh Bruce (Moderator, Ministry Through Giving)
- Linda Cifelli (Card Ministry)
- Anne Caulfield
- Ginny Aikens (Transportation)
- Joan Clover (Hospitality)
- Dwayne Cornish (Food Bank)
- Crystal Goretti (Secretary)
- Shari Hofstetter (Treasurer)
- Joyce Codispoti (Greeting)
2023 Chili Cook-Off.