Supporting a variety of missions efforts is vital to our vision. The Mission Committee of the Session maintains communication with our supported missionaries, prays for our missionaries, manages the financial support given to our missionaries, and provides information about our missionaries to the congregation. We also try to encourage the congregation to pray for our missionaries and to provide hands-on help to them. For more information, contact the Church Office (; 215-947-5500)

Missions currently supported:

  • EPC World Outreach - EPC World Outreach (EPC WO) is the mission sending agency of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Our principal calling is to glorify God by starting church-planting movements among least-reached people groups, especially among Muslims. We believe the goal of missions is for God to be glorified as worshippers of Christ are gaEPCWOlogo2015thered from every tribe, language, and nation. Our work focuses on planting churches, equipping those churches and their leaders to grow to maturity, enabling them to reproduce themselves in their own culture, imparting a vision to send their own people as cross-cultural missionaries, and partnering with them to do so.

  • cco-cmallCoalition for Christian Outreach (CCO) - Penn State Abington - Ray Wiesen - The CCO calls college students to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives. A generation of college students is transformed by the power of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, in partnership with the local church, reaching the world for the glory of God.

  • Young Life (YL) - Jeff Pearson - YLYL invites kids to follow Christ, care for them regardless of their response, and change lives in the process. Young Life is made up of people who know that life was meant to be fully lived. If you're in middle school, high school or college, there's a seat at the table in YL for you.

  • Urban Promise. Urban-Promise-LogoThe mission of Urban Promise is to equip Camden's children and young adults with the skills necessary for academic achievement, life management, spiritual growth, and Christian leadership.