More than one person has passed our church on Huntingdon Pike and exclaimed, “What a charming old church!” We agree! Although there’s much more to us than an interesting historical building.
Still, if you’re looking for a venue for your wedding, we understand the facility is what’s important to you. And, yes, we do allow our facility to be used for weddings by those who are not part of our fellowship.
If you are interested in holding your wedding at Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church (HVPC), here are a few things you need to know.
A full-time school, K-8, operates in our building five days a week until 6:00 p.m. We cannot host your event on a weekday evening while school is in session. This means no Friday weddings during the school year. Very rarely do we make an exception. In these instances, if you are granted permission for a Friday wedding, you will not be able to access the building before 6:00 p.m.
This leaves us with Saturdays open during the school year, and Fridays and Saturdays open when school is not in session. To view the school calendar, please go to and scroll down. To view the church calendar, please go to and select calendar or list view.
Here are the basic costs involved for non-members who wish to hold a wedding at HVPC (as listed on page 7 of the Facilities Agreement). Your total cost will depend upon how many of the following items you need.
- Sanctuary, $300
- + Soundboard/Technician, $100
- + Piano (use of), $50
- + Organist*, $250
*NOTE: If you need an organist, our organist has the right of first refusal. This means if she is available, you are required to use her services. If she is not available, then you may bring in your own organist.
- Boyer Fellowship Hall, $400 (for receptions, etc.)
- + Kitchen, $50
- + Sound, $50
- Lounge Room 209 & One Classroom (for Bridal Party Prep), $100
- + Room 209 Kitchenette, $10
- Outdoor Facilities, $200
- + Boyer Kitchen, $50
- Wedding Coordinator (Required), $200
- Sexton (Required), $100
- + Sexton Hourly Rate, $20/Hr (in the event of damage)
- For non-members, you are required to provide your own minister to officiate.
There are additional requirements that you will need to adhere to. These can be found in our Facilities Agreement (click here for a WORD version). If you are interested in using our church for your wedding, please download and read through the agreement.
Next, email the Church Office ( to verify the availability for your desired date. Once a date is reserved, then you will need to complete the Facilities Request form for approval. This form will go before our Session (Board) which meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
If the Session approves your event, we will let you know. You will be required to send in a deposit via check for $200. We will return the deposit two weeks after your event if no additional costs are incurred (for damage or excessive cleaning requirements). If your event is canceled, this deposit is non-refundable. The deposit check should be made out to Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church and mailed to 2410 Huntingdon Pike, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006.
Final payment of all related charges is due on the day of the event. A check for the total amount should be made out to Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church and given to the Wedding Coordinator.
Please note that the Session reserves the right to not approve your request or to withdraw approval for any reason and without explanation.
If your request is approved, we will connect you with our Wedding Coordinator who will shepherd you through the rest of the process. The Wedding Coordinator will provide guidance on flower delivery, what are acceptable decorations, parking requirements, arrange access to the building, and so forth.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Church Office (; 215-947-5500).