Our staff is here to serve you and the community. Feel free to be in touch with us if we can help.


Senior Pastor
Dr. Dan Morrison | 717-305-2091 | pastor@HVPC.org

Dan has been the pastor of Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church since 2005. He has an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary and a DMin from Reformed Theological Seminary. Dan is an avid reader and can often be found at various local used bookstores. He is married to Eva and they have three children: Rosie, Calvin, and Mia. He also collects paintings from Greenland.

Bruno Head Assistant Pastor

Dr. Thiago Bruno Sousa | 267-709-3931 | jamesbsousa81@gmail.com

Pastor Bruno has been an ordained pastor since 2003 and has been mainly involved with church planting projects and social work in Brazil, Japan, and Rwanda. He has a D. Min. from Gateway Seminary, Ontario, CA. Pastor Bruno is passionate about connecting people from different races and cultures around the Gospel. He is in charge of the HVPC Portuguese service and evangelism. He loves to play soccer and build friendships with people from different cultures through it. He is married to Sonia, and they have three children: Pamella, Nicolle, and Asaph.

Jordan Goretti Head 3

Church Secretary
Jordan Goretti | 215-947-5500 | office@HVPC.org

Jordan is an elder on session at HVPC since 2021 and has been a member since 2018. Jordan enjoys birding, gaming, and studying the Bible. He is married to Crystal and they have two children: Karineh and Dafne. 

BramerR Archivist
Rebekah Bramer | 215-316-8291 | rnt19755@aol.com

Rebekah has worked for the federal government for 15 years as an archivist, most of that time with the Thomas Edison National Historical Park. She lives her daughter, Annie Laurie, and mother Naomi Trask, Director of Children's Ministry.


Director of Traditional Music (Organist/Choir Director)
Susan Clark | 904-612-5072 | worship@HVPC.org

Susan has been involved in music ministry for over 30 years. She loves to teach music, listen to music and worship by singing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” She has music degrees from Westminster Choir College as well as a Biblical Counseling degree from the Masters College.  Susan serves as the accompanist to both the Bucks County Women’s Chorus and the Nazareth Academy Chorus and Chorale.  Susan is married to Ian and have three children. In her spare time, she enjoys biking, hiking, swimming and playing with her seven grandchildren.


Assistant Sexton (Cleaning)
Joan Clover | 215-663-1585 | joan.clover@verizon.net

Joan is a long-time, selfless member of the church, known by many as "Grandma Joan." She loves to bake, serve others, and has a great sense of humor.

Charlene Minister of Celebrations
Charlene Crawford | 267-279-9858 | GodlyDiva@aol.com

Charlene greets all with a smile and a hug every Sunday morning. She also assists with special services such as baptisms, welcoming new members, and baby dedications. She likes to gather the ladies of Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church together for teas, fellowship, and other great events. She has three children. Charlene is the author of I Love Me, Lucky the Lady Bug, and other children’s stories. She is a hugger.


Head of School
Dr. Chelsea Foster | 215-947-4581 | fosterc@vcskids.com

Dr. Chelsea has been an educator for over 25 years, teaching: Spanish, English as a Second Language, and History. She is a certified school administrator and human resource manager (SHRM-CP) with a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership. No stranger to VCS, Dr. Chelsea was a student, a VCS parent, an active member of the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF), and a VCS School Board Member. She and her husband, Charles, have four children: Charity, Chloe, Charles Joshua and Christian. Click here to visit the Valley Christian School website.


Director of Contemporary Music
Jon Haines | 267-229-7160 | praise@HVPC.org

Jon holds a Bachelors in Automotive Management from Penn State University. For six years he was in auto repair equipment sales. He also studied music in high school and was worship leader at another church for five years. In leading the Praise Band he explains, "I humbly play guitar, encourage genuine worship that complements the scriptures of the week. I encourage our band members and singers to become better musicians and be followers of Christ." His interests include fishing, camping, and off-roading. He is married to Laura, and they have three children: Annaliese Jeanette, Briella Lee, and Jaiden Jonathan.


Director of Children's Ministry
Naomi Trask | 215-630-6186 | TraskNaomi001@gmail.com

Naomi (pronounced nay-OH-mah) Trask has served in nursing, as a missionary, as a teacher, and as an officer in the Salvation Army. She has a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Geneva College. She is mother of Rebekah Bramer, Archivist. A favorite verse of Naomi is Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (ESV)


Sexton (Building & Grounds/Custodian)
Doug Landersz | 267-625-7355 | sexton@HVPC.org

Doug is married and originally from Sri Lanka. He and his wife, Florence, have been in the U.S. since 1995 and are citizens. He is an accomplished restorer of antique furniture and was referred to us by Ginny Lock. He serves both HVPC and VCS.


Elizabeth Rozarto | 717-305-2093 | books@HVPC.org

Elizabeth (aka Liz) has served as Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church since 2000. She is responsible for handling banking, paying the bills, and doing payroll for Huntingdon Valley Presbyterian Church and Valley Christian School. She and her husband, Dennis, have a son, Allan, who is a Valley Christian School graduate. She hails from Kansas and usually has her Christmas shopping done in July.