You're Not a God(dess). You're a Temple.
Aug 26, 2018 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:12–20, Romans 8:1–11 Series: Paul: The Epistle to the Romans

The Cigarette and the Firing Squad
Aug 19, 2018 Scripture: Isaiah 65:1–7, Romans 7:19– 8:2 Series: Paul: The Epistle to the Romans

A Continual & Irreconcilable War, or, Cultivating the Garden of Our Hearts
Aug 12, 2018 Scripture: Romans 7:15–25 Series: Paul: The Epistle to the Romans

I Have the Desire But Not the Ability
Aug 5, 2018 Scripture: Leviticus 19:1–2, Leviticus 11:44–45, Leviticus 20:7–8, Leviticus 20:26, Romans 7:15–25 Series: Paul: The Epistle to the Romans